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Artistic Brief Introduction

Artistic Brief Introduction

Qi Qingtai

Born in Qiuzhang, Shangdong in Sept. 1941 and graduated from college majoring in arts. As one of Chinese famous calligraphers and first-class artist, Mr.Qi is both Vice-president of Liaoning Institute of the Traditional Chinese Painting and Director of the committee of calligraphy creation. In the year 2002, he was honored as an "Excellent Artist both at Morals and Arts" by Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Works of Mr.Qi have been collected respectively in "Collection of calligraphy and painting classic of the PRC” 、 “Big Album of the international modern calligraphy and painting classic” 、 “Grand sight of Chinese and foreign experts of calligraphy and painting” etc. and several institutes of calligraphy and painting both at home and aboard. Meanwhile, Mr.Qi's art career is widely reported by different medias including: China Dairy 、 China's Reform newspaper 、 Liaoning Dairy 、 Shenyang Dairy 、 Liaoning TV and Shenyang TV etc. During Shenyang International Friendly Activity Moon, on Liaoning Dairy's special edition, Mr.Qi and his words are introduced to the world with the large photo and accurate characters by a wide margin.

Mr.Qi was influenced by his grandfather's good writing and shaped his style on teacher Wensan's guidance. From one to grade six, he wrote a piece of regular script in small characters every day and 32 big regular script each week,which was never disconnected. These laid the solid foundation for his future are development. Zhen, grass writing, official script, seal character, running hand have become his unique style. Several works collections have been published, such as “ The works collection of Qi Qingtai”, which is titled by Mr. Yang renkai, the famous calligraphy and painting appreciator of China and prefaced by Muqing who obtains special subsidy of the State Council. Mr. Qi also participated in the words of “The Poesy Calligraphy Collection of the Musical Sound of Spring and Autumn ” for celebrating the 50 th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Northeast and the 50 th Birthday Anniversary of the People's Republic of China . The study of decades probes summarized out the principle of writing of Chinese characters, that is: One-line Law for the hard-tipped writing. There are some Mr. Qi 's works which can be found publicly, such as:

Shenyang Taiqing Palace, one of the ten main Temples of Taoism in China, Mr. Qi wrote “Efficacious in conformity with the founder” on its horizontal inscribed board, which is simple 、 unsophisticated and serious; for the Countless temple located in the scenic spots of Qian Mountain, Mr. Qi's “Water adjusts the song head” of poet Sushi's poem, which is Graceful and romantic; on the TV play “Go on the east of great river”, there also has Mr.Qi's works, that is :one of Chairman Mao's poem “Qin Yuanchun · Snow ” and poet Shushi's “The red wall recalls antiquity”, which is Unruly and impressive. During the period of SARS and 110 th birthday anniversary for Mao Zedong, Mr.Qi wrote “Unity is strength 、 Conquer the SARS ” and Chair Mao's seven-syllable “Long March” respectively on Shenyang Dairy newspaper. Nowadays, Mr.Qi has already finished a large quantity of difficult works, such as “Three Character Primer” 、 ”One Thousand Character Primer” 、 ”King Teng's pavilion preface” 、 ”Schedule for finishing apprenticeship” 、 Liuxie's

“The gentle heart carves dragons” which is nearly 40,000 words of a hectometer of long paper 、 ”Diamond Sutra ” 、 “The Art of War by Sunzi” etc All people exclaim endlessly after watching.

Though Mr.Qi's already sixty years old, he still works hard. He regularly joins art exhibitions and different kinds of donation, with pupils all over the world. While serving social common people, Mr.Qi also wrote down countless works for Political personage 、 foreign friends 、 leaders of various countries. Besides, he constantly rushes about for the development of traditional culture of the motherland.

Address : No.135, Shenyang Road , Shenhe District, Shenyang City .

Post Code : 110011

Phone (office) : 024-24854711

Phone (home ) : 024-88522503

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